Dr. Farha Naz Khan
Assistant Professor
Specialization (Qualification):
Ph.D., FDPM, IIM Ahmedabad (2016), MBA, UGC-NET JRF (2013).
Areas of Specialization:
Corporate Experience of a year with firms such as “The Oberoi Udaivilas.
Ten years of teaching experience in Post Graduate Programs. Taught subjects such as: Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Practices, Human Resource Management, International HRM, Training and Development, Research Methodology, Data Analytics
Thesis titled “Gender Sensitivity towards Female Employees of selected Hotels in Udaipur District”.
Presented papers at India Finance Conference held at IIM Ahmedabad in 2016 (also chaired a session), at IIM Bangalore in 2017 and IIM Shillong, 2018.
Written a case study titled “Wagh Bakri: Tea Group” as a part of FDP Programme which is printed in a handbook “Environmental Sustenance: Exploration in Alternative Strategies”.
Papers Published:
- The Impact of HR Practices on Perceived Gender Sensitivity and Gender Bias- A Multilevel Analysis of Hotel Industry (Published in Jindal Journal of Business Research Sage Publications).
- Gender Imbalance across various hierarchies of management: A Study of Hotel Industry (published in ABDC ‘C’ Category).
- Investigating forms of graduate capital and their relationship to perceived employability: an application of PLS predict and IPMA published in Higher Education ,Skills and Work based Learnings (published in ABDC ‘B’ Category)
- International Trade in Services and FDI: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis (2000-2020) (Published in Kardan Journal of Economics and Mgmt. Sciences).
Details of Paper Presented:
- Presented paper “Influence of Work Environment on Productivity of Employees (A survey conducted on SBBJ)”in International Conference on “Emerging Paradigm in Business Education and Research “on 29th July 2015 held at MLSU.
- Won Best Presentation for a paper titled “A Perspective on Islamic Banking and Financial Inclusion in selected regions of Udaipur” in International Conference on “Recent Trends Business Finance & Economics” held at Jain Narayan Vyas University, October (8th-10th October2015).
- Presented Paper titled “Gender Sensitivity at workplace “in a National Seminar on Education and Gender Sensitivity on 2nd October 2015, held at Rajasthan Mahila Teachers Training College.
- Presented Paper on “Identifying and Predicting Potential Bull and Bear Markets: An Empirical Evidence from India” at the 6th India Finance Conference 2016 held at IIM Ahmedabad from Dec18th-21st
- Presented Paper on “Predicting the Financial Crisis of Companies based on Cash Flow Statements: An innovative approach” at the 6th India Finance Conference 2016 held at IIM Ahmedabad from Dec18th-21st
- Presented Paper on “Identifying and Predicting Potential Bull and Bear Market’s: An Empirical Evidence from India “at CRISIL Doctoral Symposium
- Presented Paper titled “Independent Women Director and Firm Performance: Evidence from India.” at the 7th India Finance Conference 2017 held at IIM Bangalore from Dec20th-22nd
- Presented Paper titled “Sustainability of Females at Leadership Positions in the Indian Hotel Industry “in SUSCON Conference held at IIM, SHILLONG in Nov 2018.
Conference /Workshop/Seminar attended
- Attended 9th WILL Annual Conference 2016: Defining Best Employers for Women on November 7, 2016 at Taj Lands’ End Ballroom.
- Participated in the HR Conclave on “Transforming HR: Becoming a Strategic Partner”
- Participated in HR Summit 2018& CEO Forum from 9-10th February 2018 organized by Master of Human Recourse Management Program, Department of Business Administration, UCCMS, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur with Knowledge Partner Indian Society for Training and Development Udaipur Chapter.
- Attended the IIMA Doctoral Summer School 2018 in the “Qualitative Track “Conducted at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad from April 1st to April 5th 2018.
- Attended and Organised AIIMS NORTHERN REGION ROUND TABLE of Dean and Director on “Management Education: Indian Prospective” jointly organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Udaipur & Association of Indian Management School, Rajasthan Chapter, held on Saturday, November 04, 2017, at Faculty of Management Studies, Udaipur.
- Successfully completed ATAL 5 days online FDP on ‘Design Thinking ‘from 26/10//2020 TO 30/10/2020 at Kirori Mal College University of Delhi.
- Successfully completed AICTE Approved Short Term Training Program on ‘Business Analytics” organized by Indira School of Business Studies in association with AICTE from 2/11/2020 to 7/11/2020.
- Successfully completed FDP on “Stock Market and Financial planning” organized by GBSRC and Bombay Stock Exchange Brokers Forum.
- Attended Webinar on ‘STOCK MARKETS’ offered by Shine Projects.
- Successfully completed Faculty Development Programme (GURU-DAKSHTA) on “Implementation of National Education Policy 2020: Role of Faculty on Higher Education Institutions” from 20 Dec 2021 to 24 Dec 2021 at Chandigarh University.
- Successfully completed one week faculty development programme on “Research Essentials “”organised by Chandigarh University from 31 Jan to 5 Feb 2022.
- Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Leveraging the power of teaching pedagogy: Through Case Study Method “held from 20 June 2023 to 25 June 2022.
- Attended “Basic to Intermediate Level Workshop on Bibliometric Analysis and SEM using Smart PLS” from 17 Oct to 23 Oct 2023 organised by MUS, India with support of Smart PLS GBH, Germany.
- Attended 5 days FDP on “Research Paper Writing using SPSS and Bibliometric Analysis” from 25 Jan2023 to 29 Jan 2023 organised by MUS, India.
- Attended one week “Advance Level workshop on Research Methodology using SmartPLS and Scale Development” held in Virtual mode
- Successfully attended “QS Higher Ed Summit: Middle East and Africa 2023”, 12-14 March 2023/Kuwait & online.
- Successfully completed “Enhancing Research Impact: National FDP ON Grant writing, IPR and Publication Strategies” organized by NMIMS Indore from 31 July 2023 -5 Aug 2023
Professional Membership:
IIM A, Alumini Network.
Editorial Board Membership:
Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, Kardan University, Afghanistan
Recent Publications:
- The Impact of HR Practices on Perceived Gender Sensitivity and Gender Bias- A Multilevel Analysis of Hotel Industry (Published in Jindal Journal of Business Research Sage Publications).
- Gender Imbalance across various hierarchies of management: A Study of Hotel Industry (published in ABDC ‘C’ Category).
- Investigating forms of graduate capital and their relationship to perceived employability: an application of PLS predict and IPMA published in Higher Education ,Skills and Work based Learnings (published in ABDC ‘B’ Category)
- Khan, F. Jain, P. (2018). Gender Sensitivity at Workplace: A Conceptual Study, Amar Research Journal, Vol 4 Issue 1, 2018 ISSN N -2348-1323.
- International Trade in Services and FDI: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis (2000-2020) (Published in Kardan Journal of Economics and Mgmt. Sciences).
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