Dr. Vipin Verma
Assistant Professor
Areas of Specialization:
Number theory
Specialization (Qualification):
- PhD. (Mathematics)
- M.Sc. (Mathematics)
- B.Sc. (Mathematics, Computer Science and Application)
Areas of Specialization: Number theory
Interest Areas: Number theory, Operations Research, Statistics, and Mathematical Modelling.
Experience: 16 years of teaching experience in post graduate and undergraduate programs including M.Sc., M.B.A, M. Tech, B.Sc., B.B.A, B. Tech (Mathematics and Statistics).
Ph.D. supervised: Awarded: 02,
Title “Fibonacci numbers, polynomials and its sequences” research scholar Priyanka, registration no. 41800377, year of award December 2022.
Title “Bi-periodic Fibonacci like polynomials and their properties” research scholar Ankur Bala, registration no. 41800376, year of award February 2023.
PG Dissertation: 05 (Awarded)
UG Dissertation: 01 (Awarded)
- A new generalization of bi-periodic Jacobsthal polynomials, published in International Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 1531 (2020), Issue. 1, pages 1-7, ISSN no. 1742-6596(online), 1742-6588 (Print).
- On the sum of reciprocals of Jacobsthal polynomials, published in International Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 1531 (2020), Issue. 1, pages 1-4, ISSN no. 1742-6596(online), 1742-6588 (Print).
- Recurrence Relation in Number Theory, published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29 (2020), Issue. 2, pages 885-893, ISSN no. 2005-4238 (Print) 2207-6360 (Online).
- On Properties of Generalized Bi-Variate Bi-Periodic Fibonacci Polynomials, published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29 (2020), Issue. 3, pages 8065-8072, ISSN no. 2005-4238 (Print) 2207-6360 (Online).
- Application of Recurrence relation in Network Marketing, published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29 (2020), Issue. 4, pages 34-40, ISSN no. 2005-4238 (Print) 2207-6360 (Online).
- 2-Fibonacci Sequences based on Congruence and using Matrix Methods, published in Wesleyan Journal of Research, vol. 13 (2020), Issue.48, ISSN no. 0975-1386.
- A Recurrence Relation Sequence of Polynomials having Real Root, published in Solid-State Technology, vol. 63 (2020), Issue. 6, pages 201427-201432, ISSN no. 0038-111X.
- Infinite Sum of Reciprocal of Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials, published in Journal of Critical Reviews, vol. 07 (2020), Issue. 19, pages 8216-8221, ISSN no. 2394-5125.
- Matrix Representation of bivariate bi-periodic Jacobsthal Polynomials, published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, vol. 07 (2020), Issue. 8, pages 4184-4197, ISSN no. 2515-8260.
- A special Representation of Fibonacci Polynomials, published in Test Engineering and Management, vol. 82 (2020), Issue. 1, pages 5112-5115, ISSN no. 0193-4120.
- Fibonacci Triple Sequence, published in European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, vol. 07 (2020), Issue. 7, pages 3844-3847, ISSN no. 2515-8260.
- Generalized Relation between the Roots of Polynomial and Term of Recurrence Relation Sequence, published in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 09 (2021), Issue. 1, ISSN no. 2332- 2071(Print), 2332-2144 (online).
- A matrix method based on Lucas Polynomials for solving Fractional Differential Equation, published in Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology, vol. 25 (2021), Issue. 4, pages 16641-16647, ISSN no. 1583- 6258.
- A note on Bivariate Bi-periodic Jacobsthal polynomials and Bivariate Bi-periodic Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials, published in International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, vol. 10 (2021), Issue. 12, ISSN no. 2277-4998.
- Cyclic Group of Rational functions with Coefficients as Fibonacci Numbers, published in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, vol. 12 (2021), Issue. 7, pages 692-697, ISSN no. 1309-4653.
- Multiplicative Triple Fibonacci Sequence of Third Order, published in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, vol. 12 (2021), Issue. 11, pages 451-458, ISSN no. 1309-4653.
- Properties of 2-Fibonacci Sequence, published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 2267 (2022), Issue. 1, pages 1-10, ISSN no. 1742-6596(online), 1742-6588 (Print).
- Generating matrix for Generalized Fibonacci numbers and Fibonacci polynomials, published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 2267 (2022), Issue. 1, pages 1-8, ISSN no. 1742-6596(online), 1742-6588 (Print).
- Solution of the Diophantine equation on , published in JP Journal of Algebra, Number theory and Applications, vol. 55 (2022), Issue. 2022, pages 9-12, ISSN no. 0972-5555.
- Multiplicative Coupled Fibonacci Sequence of Fifth Order, published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 2267 (2022), Issue.1, pages 1-10, ISSN no. 1742-6596(online), 1742-6588 (Print).
- Some Identities on Finite sums of Product of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers in Chebyshev Polynomials of Second Kind, published in International Journal Of Algebraic Statistics, vol. 13 (2022), Issue. 3, pages 3566-3570, ISSN no. 1309-3452.
Research papers presented in Conferences
- Matrices And Trivariate Fibonacci Polynomials, presented in International Conference on Advancement in Interdisciplinary Research, 2020.
- Sums Formulas of Generalized Fibonacci Polynomial Sequence, presented in, International E-Conference on Research and Development in Science, Technology and Management in the Current Era and Published in Elementary Education online, 2021.
- Some Properties of Bi-Variate Bi-Periodic Lucas Polynomials, presented in, International E-Conference on Research and Development in Science, Technology and Management in the Current Era and Published in Elementary Education online, 2021
- Derivative of Bi-Periodic Fibonacci Polynomials and Bi-variate Bi-periodic Fibonacci Polynomials, presented in Conference Recent Advances in Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Punjab India, 2021
- Matrix Representation of Bi-variate Bi-periodic Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials, presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical and Computational Sciences (RAMCS-2021), 2021
- National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical and Computational Sciences (RAMCS-2021), presented in National Conference of The Mathematical Society Banaras Hindu University on Modern Mathematics and its Applications, 2022.
- The Fibonacci Numbers and Its Amazing Applications, presented in Presented in An IQAC Sponsored Two-day International Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Mathematics (RTMM-2021), 2021.
- Sequence of complex Bilinear transformations with coefficients as Fibonacci numbers, presented in International Conference on Contemporary Research on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICCRMCS-2022)., 2022.
- Identities and Special Relation of Chebyshev and Hermit Polynomials, presented in International conference on Mathematical and Statistical computation (ICMSC-2022) 2022.
- Generalized Fibonacci Lucas Sequence's Detrimental Identities, presented in International-E-Conference on “Recent Trends in Chemical Science, Physical Science, Life Science and Computer Technology (ICRTCPLCT–2022)” organized by Anjuman Islam Janjira Degree College of Science, Murud Janjira- Raigad, 2022.
- Some Identities involving Chebyshev Polynomial of Third Kind, Fibonacci Numbers, Lucas Numbers, presented in Emerging Trends & Challenges in Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, jointly organized by International Council for Education, Research and Training (ICERT) and School of Education, Central University of Haryana, India,
Book Chapter
- Generating matrix for Chebyshev polynomials, published in book title: Modern Research and trends in engineering and multidisciplinary studies, 2021, ISBN 9798782275655.
List of Seminars / Workshops/Summer/Winter Courses Attended
- Participated in Mission 10X workshop from 17 May to 21 May 2010 conducted at Government Engineering college Ujjain organized by WIPRO.
- Organized two-day national level workshop on” Recent advances in Mathematics” from January 20-21 2017 organized by Department of Applied Mathematics & Computational Science, SGSITS Indore.
- Participated in one day workshop on “Big Data Analytic” on 27 March 2017 organized by Department of Information Technology, SGSITS Indore.
- Participated in one day workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 16 March 2017organized by Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, SGSITS Indore.
- Participated in training program “Introduction to R software” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
- Participated in training program on “Generative Team Building” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
- Participated in training program on “Econometrics” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
- Participated in training program on “Introduction to Mathematica Software” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
- Participated in training program on “Fractional Calculus” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab.
- Co-Chaired the oral presentation session in the section of Mathematical Science (including Statistics) during 106th Indian Science Congress held at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab from 3 to 7 January 2019.
- Participated in the 12-week faculty development program on “Probability and statistics” conducted NPTEL-AICTE coordinator IIT Madras from Jan-April 2019.
- Participated in Python Workshop on 22 Jun 2019 at Lovely Professional University, Punjab, organized by Teaching Learning Center (ICT) at IIT Bombay.
Academic activities:
- Member of Course Development and Review committee, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
- Member of Research degree committee, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
- Course coordinator of PG course, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
- Examination related work (Paper setting, Invigilation, Scrutiny), Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
- Department coordinator for NIRF accreditation, Shri G.S Institute of Science and Technology, Indore.
- Department coordinator for training and placement, Shri G.S Institute of Science and Technology, Indore.
- Department coordinator for MIS (Management information System) development work, Shri G.S Institute of Science and Technology, Indore
- Examination related work (Paper setting, Invigilation, Scrutiny), Shri G.S Institute of Science and Technology, Indore.
- Assistant Superintendent University examination, Maharaja Institute of Professional Sciences, Ujjain (M.P.).
Awards: No
Management Development Programs: No
Professional Memberships:
Ex Member of Indian Science Congress.
Editorial Board Membership: No
Official Email Id: vipin.verma@nmims.edu
Office Phone No: 022-42355733
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