Dr. Samir Ul Hassan
Assistant Professor of EconomicsNMIMS University, Mumbai
- Ph.D, Economics, North Eastern Hill University, 2018
- MPhil, Economics, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, 2013
- MA (Economics) Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna, Garhwal Central University, 2012
- BA University of Kashmir 2009
- UGC NET Qualified
Areas of Specialization: Microeconomics, Basic Econometrics, Public Economics, Indian Knowledge System (IKS)
Interest Areas: Political Economy, Institutional Arrangements, Economics of Social Sector
- Assistant Professor of Economics in the ASMSOC, NMIMS University, Mumbai (2022-present)
- Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, Central University of Kashmir (2020-2022)
- Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya (2018-2020)
- Research Analyst atRi-Lang Solutions Pvt. Ltd shillong, Meghalaya (2017-2018)
- Hassan, S.U; Basumatary J & Goyari, P. (2024), Impact of governance and effectiveness of expenditure on CO2emission (air pollution): lessons from four BRIC countries. Management of Environmental Quality, Ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/MEQ-12-2023-0424. ABDC (B-Category) & SCOPUS)
- Hassan, S.U & Basumatary J. (2023), Growth Effects of External Factors in the Emerging South Asian Countries with High Level of External Debt: A Panel Cointegration and Panel DOLs Analysis. Empirical Economics Letters, 22(10), pp. 221-236. (ABDC (C-Category) & SCOPUS)
- Raina, S., Dar, K., Hassan, S.U and Ahmad, M. (2023), Predictors of utilization of health care facilities in India: An empirical Assessment. Journal of Public Health, Published online of 16 June 2023, Ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-023-01970-w (SCOPUS)
- Bhat, A.A., Rashid, I., Hassan, S.U.and Kansra, P. (2023), Social determinants of health and health outcomes: a bibliographic review of the scientific literature from 2000 to 2021", Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-09-2022-0214. (ABDC (B-Category) & SCOPUS)
- Hassan, S. U., Khanday, S. A., Ahmad, M., Mishra, B. and Rymbai, M. S. (2022), A Historical Cum Empirical Overview of Agriculture Spending and Output Nexus in India ", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, (SCOPUS) 14, No. 3, pp. 27-41. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140303.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan; Mishra. B and Joel (2021) Fiscal rules and Social Sustainability in India: A cross state Analysis. IASSI Quarterly, (SCOPUS) 40(4), 795-812.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan., Mishra. B & Tosib Alam (2021) Fiscal policy and Public debt management in India in View of pandemic. Indian Journal of Economics, (ABDC (C-Category) & SCOPUS) 404 (July)
- Samir-Ul-Hassan., Mishra. B & Bhat Aasif (2021) The economy under majoritarian and coalition governments in fragile states of India: A case study of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Journal of Public Affairs, (ABDC (B-Category) & SCOPUS) 21(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/ pa.2255
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, Motika S. Rymbai & Aasif A.Bhat (2019). Economics of Human resources development under globalization Era: A study of BRICS Countries. European Journal of Training and Development, (ABDC (B-Category) & SCOPUS) 43(7/8), 712-730.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2018). Fiscal Tribal Dilemma: Imbalance in protectionism and optimum resources utilization policies In North Eastern states of India. Economic Affairs, (SCOPUS) 63(3), 729-740.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2018). Does an Economic and Political affairs matter in determining the Tax revenue of Jammu and Kashmir State (India): An Approach through VECM Model. Iranian Economic Review, (SCOPUS) American Economic Association, 22(2), 471-501.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B.Mishra. (2018). Spending mechanism and population Dimensions: An Econometric approach. Asian Journal Application and Research, (UGC Group-I) 8(1), 342-355.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2017). Does Infrastructure Matters in Government Spending? A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir (India) with Co-integration Approach. Journal of Infrastructure Development, (SCOPUS) Sage, 9(2), 1-16.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2017). Does Demography matters in Growth of Government expenditure? A case study of Jammu and Kashmir (India) with Co-integration Approach. Journal of Public administration, Law and Finance, 11/2017, 61-74.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2017). Government expenditure and Economic growth in the state of Jammu and Kashmir: A unit root and Co-Integration Approach with Error Correction Model. International Journal of Statistics and Economics. 18(2), 58-86.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B. Mishra. (2017). Growth Efficiency and Productivity of Government Expenditure in the state of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Journal of Economics, 116, 260-276.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, Mishra and P. S. Suresh (2016). A Multi-dimensional approach to the Determinants of Tax revenue: The case of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (India). ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Risk Management, 7(3), 66-104.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, B. Mishra and P. S. Suresh (2016). An Analysis of Productivity and Efficiency of Tax system in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. International Journal of Economics and Business Review, 4(1), 208-228.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, Ahuja and Hussain (2015). Agriculture-Industry Linkages in the Economy of Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. 7(4), 174-181.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, Ahuja and Hussain. (2014). Growth and modernization of Agriculture in Jammu and Kashmir. International Journal of Research. 1(8), 1115-1128.
Books and Book Chapters
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and B.Mishra. (2023) “Application of Error Correction Model (ECM) in stabilizing/adjusting fiscal burden under covid situation” in an edited book “Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems"under the Book Series Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Unraveling Insights through Advanced Analytical Techniques" by the CRC Press; Taylor and Francis group. ISBN 9781032392783
- Samir-Ul-Hassan and Aasif Ali (2018). Does Demonetization Really change anything? Trailokya Deka and Rabinjyoti Khatanir(Ed.), GST Demonetization and Development, Global Publications, New Delhi, India.
978-93-81563-82-3 - Samir-Ul-Hassan and B.Mishra. (2018). Institutional Arrangements’ and Fiscal Performance of Conflict Regions: An Indian Case Study, A. Farazmand (ed), Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland. 978-3-319-31816-5
- Samir-Ul-Hassan (2017). Agriculture Industry Inter-linkages in the Economy of Jammu and Kashmir: A Multidimensional Analysis. LAP Lambart Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN:- 978-620-2-00355-1.
- Samir-Ul-Hassan, et.al (2016). Scope and Techniques for Economic Valuation of Biological Diversity, Chapter 12, book: Conserving Biological Diversity: A Multiscale Approach, Edited by: Aabid Hussain Mir and Nazir Ahmad Bhat, ISBN: 978-93-86138- 00-2 Edition: 2016, Research India Publications, New Delhi, India
Publications and Research papers presented:
- Presented a paper titled “Fiscal Tribal Dilemma” at 55th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) held in NISM, Mumbai on 08-10 January, 2019
- Presented a paper titled “Fiscal constraints: Imbalance in protectionism and optimum resources utilization policies In North Eastern states” at The 19th Annual Conference of NEEA, organized by North East Economic Association in the Department of Economics, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya on 23-24 March, 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “Institutions and Fiscal Performance of North Eastern States of India: A Panel Data Analysis with Co-integration Approach” at National Seminar on Agrarian Crisis, Rural Credit and Employment in the North East, Organized by Department of Economics, NEHU Shillong & OKD Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati in ICSSR NEHU on 23-24 February, 2018.
- Participated in international seminar on “Narratives of Violence and Terror in South Asia (NOVATSA)”. Organized by Department of English, North Eastern Hill University in collaboration with NEC shillong and ICSSR-NERC, shillong, held in old Guest house Auditorium NEHU shillong on 16-18 November 2017.
- Presented a paper titled “What determine the Tax revenue of Jammu and Kashmir: A Multi-dimensional Approach through VECM Model” at 53rd Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) held in National Institute of Science Education and research, Bhubaneswar on 22 -24 December, 2016
- Presented a paper titled “The Role of Government and Economic Development: A case study of Jammu and Kashmir” at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Issues and Strategies on Environment and Development in India Organized by B.P Chaliha Collage, Nagarbera, Kamrup Assam in collaboration with Assam Collage Teachers Association on 27 -28 October, 2016.
- Presented a paper titled “Short-term and long-term determinants of tax Revenue in the state of Jammu and Kashmir) at National Seminar on Poverty, Inequality and Health in India with special reference to North-East India, organized by Department of Economics, North Eastern Hill University in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and NABARD in NEHU Shillong on 08 -10 October, 2015.
Invited Lectures:
- Delivered a special lecture as a resource person on “External debt in South Asia: Where does India stand?” in a national seminar organized by Department of Economics, Bharathidasan Government College for Women, Puducherry on 30th July 2022.
- Delivered a special lecture as a resource person on “Fiscal Federalism In India: Challenges and way forward” in a national webinar organized by Department of Economics, Presidency University, Bangalore on 9th May 2024.
Conferences / Workshops / Seminars attended:
- Participated in one week Workshop on “Business Statistics” Organized by Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Unit (ISRU), Indian statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata at Tazpur University on 5-9 December, 2016.
- Participated in Two days’ Workshop on “Climate catalysts 2014” Organized by GIZ (Dutsche Gesellschaft fur International Zusammenarbeit) Germany and Meghalaya Basin Development Authority, NEHU and Project Survival media in NEHU on 12 – 13 November 2014.
- Participated in One week Short- Term Course in Research Methodology with Special Reference to SPSS Organized by, UGC Academic Staff College, North Eastern Hill University Shillong Meghalaya on 19 to 24 May, 2014.
Projects/Academic activities:
- NET Coordination, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya (2018-2020
- Project Title “Act East Policy, Entrepreneurial Efficiency and Transactions Costs (A Case Study of North East India and Thailand” Department of Economics, North Eastern Hill University Shillong.
- Project Title “Drug Abuse in Kashmiri Youth: Issues and Challenges. CERD Foundation India.
- Project Title “Study on Economic and Environmental Impact of Amarnath Yatra (A popular Hindu Pilgrimage) on District Anantnag of Jammu and Kashmir”. CERD Foundation India.
Awards: UGC NET
Management Development Programs:
Professional Memberships:
- Life Time member of “International Society for Development and Sustainability” (ISDS), Japan.
Editorial Board Membership:
- Reviewer of European Journal of Training and Development, Emerald Publishers, New York, UK.
- Reviewer of international Journal of Accounting, Audit and Taxation, Premier Publishers, Victoria island, Lagos (Nigeria)
- Editorial Board Member and Reviewer of International Journal of Economics and Finance, July Press, Gateway East, Singapore
Official Email Id: samirul.hassan@nmims.edu
Office Phone No: 022-42355540
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