Dr. Arpita Baijal
Assistant Professor
Specialization (Qualification):
Ph.D. (Business Policy and Administration), UGC NET-JRF, M.com (hnrs.), B.com(hnrs.)
Areas of Specialization:
Strategy, Marketing, Research
Interest Areas:
Strategy, Marketing, Management, Research and International Business
5 Years
Thesis titled, " An evaluative study of internet based payment policies in emerging e-commerce market in India”
"Book Published titled- Internet Based payments in E-commerce market- Evolution policies and the way forward, got listed on Amazon and Flipkart.
Book Chapter published in a UGC approved book titled 'Managing Uncertainity during a global Pandemic- An Indian perspective' "
Research Introduction and Basic Research Questions, LAP Academic Publishing Lambert ( 2022-05-30 )
"Book Published titled -Basics of Marketing & Digital Marketing- An introduction for Beginners” , got listed on Amazon and Flipkart.
Publications and Research papers presented:
- Authored a research paper titled: “Emergent Strategic Approach and MC Kinsey’s 7S Framework Adoption at Saigal Polymers” published in under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023).
- Authored a research paper titled: "Towards electronic payment interoperability: A reflection” published in Arthkalp journal of finance and economics.
- Authored a research paper titled: "Fintech- A revolution in the financial sector” published in ‘AJANTA’ UGC listed Journal.
- Authored a research paper titled: "Identifying factors promoting online payments in e-commerce transactions: A study from customer perspective” published in CSC conference journal.
- Authored a research paper titled: "Emerging trends in online shopping and payment system with special reference to customers in Mumbai”, published in IJR.
- Authored a research paper titled: "Changing role of teachers in Information society”, published at the journal for the IQAC seminar held at RA Podar College.
- Authored a research paper titled: "XBRL- a way forward”, published in the journal published for the National Conference held at Ramanand DAV College on 25th February, 2016.
- Authored a research paper titled: "Campus beyond cash” published and poster presented at the National Conference held at VESASC, Chembur on 17th and 18th February 2016.
- Authored a research paper titled: "High Ratio of Agriculture NPAS in Priority Sector Lending by Public and Private Banks in India- Reasons, discussions and Suggestions”, published in Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
- Authored a research paper titled: "A Study on Employees Empowerment with the Demo-Graphic Variables in the Employees of Union Bank of India Working For Star Union Dai chi Life Insurance”, published in Volume 4 Issue 4(II), April 2015 in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
- Secured the first position in Research Poster Presentation International Seminar 2014 held at the Panjab University.
- Presented poster in Zonal and District round of Avishkar competition titled "An ideal structure of disabled friendly libraries- current status, discussions and suggestions” held on 18th and 24th December 2016.
- Presented a paper titled- 'Role of demonization in making Indians pandemic ready' in one day international conference on 'Managing business in turbulent times' organized by UIAMS, Panjab University, Chandigarh on November 6, 2020.
- Published a paper titled-A study on the socioeconomic effect of scrapping Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. Conference- 5th Biennial International Conference, Sri Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, March 2020.
- Presented and published a paper titled-A descriptive study of Grievance Redressal policies of E-commerce companies in India. Conference- National Level Conference on Human Rights of women: Contemporary issues and challenges held on 9th March, 2020 at KC Law College, Mumbai
Conferences / Workshops / Seminars attended/ Certifications:
- Completed multiple coursera courses
- Attended multiple FDPs on ATAL platform
- Completed Coursera Course on Performance Assessment in Virtual Classroom, ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Digital Media Marketing and Management",Workshop on Case Study lecture,
- Participated in webinar on The future of Solar Energy,
- FDP Moodle Learning Management System- in colab with IIT Bombay,Participated in Online INternational FDP on "Teaching Methodology on Case based learning by Delhi School of professional Studies and Research,CSC conference journal UGC approved Published and presented ISSN 2278-8808,Paper publication-One Day Multidisciplinary international Conference on “Emerging Issues in Contemporary India:,5 day Advanced Excel Workshop by ViN Learning Centre,Poster Competition- Reached district level of AVISHKAR,INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY-REVITALIZING BUSINESS PRACTICES THROUGH QUALITY ASSURANCE & INCLUSIVITY held on 18th Feb,2022
Academic activities:
Arranged and moderated a guest speaker session with Dr Azhar Kazmi on the topic of ‘Application of Strategic Management’
Guest speaker for multiple "UGC NET/SLET Guidance" sessions for post graduate students and teachers
The 23rd July 2021 12:30-1:30 attended by 500+ students. Took an online guest lecture on the topic- "UGC NET/SLET Guidance" for post graduate students and teachers of Thakur College of Science and Commerce on 13th December, 2021
On the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations ,The Department of Business Law of K.J.Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, organizied a ‘Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences for students’ on 13th & 14th January 2022 .
Invited as a resource person for the same on 14th January 2022 at 11.00am. on online Zoom Platform.
Awards: JRF scholarship
Management Development Programs:
Professional Memberships:
Editorial Board Membership:
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