Dr. Sopnamayee Acharya
Assistant ProfessorQualification: Ph.D
Quantitative Technique
- Sopnamayee Acharya is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Quantitative Technique, School of Commerce.
- She has more than 13 years of teaching experience at postgraduate and undergraduate levels that include coordination and handling of various academic and administrative responsibilities.
- She has done her PhD on "Study of Mathematical Network Optimization Models using Stochastic Demands” from School of Mathematics, Vikram University, Ujjain.
- She has published research papers in ABDC, Scopus and UGC indexed journals and conference proceedings.
- She has received Best Research Paper award in Management in 7th Asian Business Research Conference organized by WBI in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- She has more than 45 publications to her credit both in management and mathematics.
- Her area of teaching and research interests includes Statistics, Operations Research, Mathematical Models, Green Supply chain, Reverse logistics.
- She has attended and presented paper in various National and International Conferences including IIM Bangalore, Kolkata, and Indore, MICA Ahmadabad and Nirma University, Ahmadabad.
- She has also attended various Management development programs like FDP from IIM Indore, FDP under MHRD from IIT Bombay, FDP by DST, NEN FDP, Case Writing Workshop, Research Methodology Workshop etc.
- She has been awarded Research Excellence Award 2020 by Institute of Scholars and received International Education Excellence Award in Quantitative Technique by Center for Professional Advancement.
- She also received Best Researcher Award 2020 by Institute of Technical and Scientific Research, Jaipur.
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