Dr. Prakash Bhatia
Assistant Professor
Areas of Specialization:
Accounting and Finance
Accounting, Finance and Taxation
Interest Areas
Cost and Management Accounting, Financial Reporting Standards, Direct and Indirect Tax, Corporate Finance, Business Analysis and Valuation
10 years of teaching various courses in the area of Accounting, Finance, and Taxation to the graduation and post-graduation students.
- Paper titled “Demystifying Sustainability Challenges for the Energy Sector in Developing Economy”, published in
- International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. A Springer publication journal Indexed in Scopus (Impact Factor – 2.0). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-023-02049-1
- Paper Titled “Estimating Intellectual Capital and its Impact on Firms’ Performance: Use of A-VAIC and M-VAIC Models” Published in “Indian Journal of Finance” ISSN: 0973-8711. Indexed in Scopus and ABDC- C category Journal. (http://dx.doi.org/10.17010/ijf%2F2023%2Fv17i1%2F172600)
- Paper titled “Intellectual Capital and Profitability: Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” published in “Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective” a Scopus Indexed and listed in ABDC journal’s list published by Sage publication, ISSN 09722629.(https://doi.org/10.1177/0972262920914108)
- Paper titled “A Feasibility Study of Implementation of Green Tax” published in “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH” a Scopus Indexed journal published by ISSN 2277-8616. (http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/feb2020/AFeasibility-Study-Of-Implementation-Of- Green-Tax.pdf)
- “An Analysis of Intellectual Capital and Firms’ Profitability: with Reference to Indian IT Companies” published in “NMIMS Management Review” A Web of Science and UGC listed journal published by NMIMS (Deemed to be a University), ISSN: 0971- 1023, Vol XXXVII issue (https://management-review.nmims.edu/wp- content/uploads/2019/05/An-Analysis-ofIntellectual-Capital-and-Firms- Profitability.pdf)
- “INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL REPORTING PRACTICES OF SELECTED INDIAN COMPANIES” published in “Journal of International Finance and Economics” listed in ABDC journal list. ISSN 1555-6336. http://dx.doi.org/10.18374/JIFE-18-4.1
- “Investigation of Uncertainty in Financial Time Series: An Application of Entropy and Permutation Entropy” published in “Prastuti – A journal of Business Management and research”, a UGC listed Journal, ISSN: 2320-2262, Volume
- Paper titled “Green Brand Equity- A study on Consumer attitude of Metro and Non- Metro cities” published in Special issue of “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research” (ISSN No. 0972-7302), Page No 27-37, Scopus Indexed and C category of ABDC Journals.
- Paper titled “Convergence of Accounting Standards with International Financial Reporting Standards in India: Impact on Earnings per Share of Selected companies” published in “Journal of Accountancy and Finance”, International refereed journal, ISSN No. 0970 9029, Volume 27 no. 2 published from Research and Development Association,
- Chapter titled" Green Tax: A Solution for Pollution in India" is Published in edited book titling “Contemporary Issues in accounting and Finance” ISBN 978-93-84207- 19-9.
- Paper titling “An Analysis of Impact of Implementing XBRL in Financial Reporting Practices” 1in International Journal of Management and Social sciences, ISSN No. 2455-2267, Impact factor 554.
Kanishka Gupta, Full time research scholar at Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Noida.
Research topic: “Relations between Intellectual Capital and Firm’s Performance with Reference to Indian Companies”
Date of Award: 21/12/2020
Date of Registration: 14/07/2017
- Presented research paper in 11th international conference organized by Research and Development Association, Jaipur on the topic “Convergence of Accounting standards with international financial reporting standards in India: Impact on Earnings per Share of Selected Companies” and received Best Paper Award.
- Presented Research paper in ASSET 2014 organized by GLA University, Mathura on the topic " Consequences of Fair Value Accounting in IFRS: Evidences Surrounding IFRS Adoption in India".
- Presented research paper on topic “Carbon Credits: A business opportunity for India” in International Seminar conducted by Swami Sukhdevanand PG College, Shahjahanpur, U.P. on 25-26 February
- Presented research paper on “Impact of taxation reforms on development of Indian Companies” in National Seminar conducted by College of Engineering and Rural Technology.
- Presented research paper on “Implications of Ethics in Finance on Behavioral Finance Attributes of Retail Investors: Is Corporate Governance a Remedy?” National Conference on Ethical Issues in Accounting, Finance & Taxation (EAFT-2016) held on March 2016 at Faculty of Commerce, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed University, Agra in collaboration of Indian Accounting Association (IAA).
- “An Immediate Impact of Demonetization: A Permutation Entropy Approach for Comparison of Micro Patterns in Financial Time Series” in International Conference “Impact of Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship: Focus On Digital India, Start Up India Stand Up India Initiative” organized by Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Noida on 7-8th March, 2017. (Received Best Paper Award)
- “Green Brand Equity- A study on Consumer attitude of Metro and Non-Metro cities” in International Conference “Impact of Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship: Focus On Digital India, Start Up India Stand Up India Initiative” organized by Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Noida on 7-8th March,
- “An Empirical Study On Impact of Make in India On GDP of Manufacturing Sector of India” in International Conference “Impact of Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship: Focus On Digital India, Start Up India Stand Up India Initiative” organized by Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Noida on 7-8th March,
- 16 Weeks online Refresher Course in Management organized by Banasthali Vidyapith on Swayam affiliated by MHRD, AICTE, UGC.
- 3 Days workshop on ‘Accredited Goods and Services Taxes (GST) Program’ organized by National Academy of Customs Excise and Narcotics (NACEN), Faridabad, India, March 20-22, 2017. Certified Trainer of GST From
- 3 Days Faculty Development Program organized by CIMA, UK on 10th-12th April 2017.
- 3 Days Professional Development Program organized by Amity University, Noida in October,
- 1-day Workshop on “Management in Higher Education” on 29 March 2015 organized by Amarnath Girls Degree College,
- Co Convener of International Conference (ICACCF 2017) organized by Amity College of Commerce and finance, Amity University, Noida on 7th-8th March,
- Organized a One Day workshop on Goods and Services Tax in Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, Noida on 22nd July,
- Invited as Key Resource Person in Seminar “Understanding GST” organized by Dayal Singh Morning College, Affiliated by University of Delhi on 6th September, 2017.
- Invited as Speaker in Mega Career Counseling organized by Aashlar Business School, Mathura to take sessions on “Career in Finance” on 19th August,
- Invited as Key Resource Person in Seminar “Understanding GST” organized by Dayal Singh Evening College, Affiliated by University of Delhi on 3rd August,
- Resource person in one Day Workshop on Goods and Services Tax organized by Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University,
- Resource person for One Day Orientation Program for Handicrafts Exporters in association with Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts on Goods and Service tax in Gurugram on 17th June
- Resource person for One Day Orientation Program for Apparel Exporters in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax in Gurugram on 31st may
- Resource person for One Day Orientation Program for Apparel Exporters in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax in Mumbai on 9th June
- Resource person for One Day Orientation Program for Apparel Exporters in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax in Jaipur on 5th June
- Resource person for 3 days Training Program for senior executives in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax on 7th June
- Resource person for 3 days Training Program for senior executives in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax on 26th May
- Resource person for One Day Orientation Program for Apparel Exporters in association with Apparel Export Promotion Council on Goods and Service tax in Noida on 8th June
- Resource person for technical session in Faculty Development Program on Entrepreneurial Finance on 25th May 2017 in Amity University,
- Resource person for technical session in Faculty Development Program on Cost Volume Profit Analysis for entrepreneurs on 26th May 2017 in Amity University, Noida.
- Certified trainer of Goods and Services Tax from national Academy of Customs Excise and Narcotics
- Life Time Member of Indian Accounting Association
Member of Editorial Committee of Journal of General Management Research published by Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS), Noida, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
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