Dr. Mukund Tripathi
Assistant ProfessorAIMA Certified - Business Consultant
Ph. D. (Business Management and Business Administration)
MBA (International Business)
B. Tech. (ECE),
Email Id: mukundmadhav.tripathi@nmims.edu
Teaching Experience: 12 years
Industrial Experience: 3 years
Subject Teaching:
1-School of Business Management (PGDM & MBA).
- Business Analytics,
- Supply Chain Management
2-School of Commerce (BBA, B.Com (Hon.) & B. Sc. (Fin.)).
- Business Analytics
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
Business Consultancy - Prince SWR Pvt. Ltd.
Objective - To reduce the overall cost of production for the plant by implementing Lean sigma, QC and Kaizen principles.
Various steps taken in due course of time –
- Lean sigma, QC and Kaizen training by Dr. P. N. Mukherjee and Dr. Mukund Madhav Tripathi.
- Kaizen team formation and task assignment to various team by DR. P. N. Mukherjee and Dr. Mukund Madhav Tripathi.
- M S Excel Training, Statistical data analysis tools training and ANOVA training by Dr. Mukund Madhav Tripathi.
Seminars and workshop
- Taken sessions in Six Days workshop on Business Analytics and exposure to Various Statistical Platforms (M S Excel, SPSS, AMOS, Python and R) on following topics-
- Introduction to R &
- Coding and data Visualization in R - Taken sessions in five days Online Global Course on 'Business Analytics and Data Sciences on following topic
Regression Analysis (SLR, MLR & Logistics Regression) - Training and conducting workshops and hands-on sessions for working professionals, Post graduate students, Technology Management students and Graduate student over various statistical software like SPSS, JAMOVI, Real STAT, MS Excel, SAS, TABLEAU etc
Attended -
- Attended two weeks online FDP on Emerging trends in Industry 4.0.
- Attended one week online FDP on Python programming.
- Attended one week STTP on Artificial Intelligence at IIIT – Varodara.
- Attended one week FDP on Data Analytics and AI in IIM - Bangalore
- Attended eleven Days Pre Ph. D. Course work at Dhanwate National College, Nagpur.
- Attended one week Research Program on, "Research Methodology in Social Science” in WRC ICSSR Mumbai University.
- Attended One week workshop on "Enterprise Guide and Enterprise Miner modules” in SAS India ltd. on Business Analytics.
- Attended One week workshop on, " Embedded System Technology” in IIT Roorkee.
- Attended one week STTP on, "Wireless Networking and Internet of Things.”
- Attended one week STTP, sponsored by AICTE on "Scale Development” in IIT Madras.
- Attended three days workshop in IIT Mumbai.
- Participated in three days 1st National Teachers Congress in MIT Pune
- Attended three days FDP on, " Big data and big data analytics”.
- Attended two days conference on, "Big data Analytics in Operations management” in S P Jain Institute of Management and Research.
- Attended two days FDP on "Outcome based learning”
- Participated in the FDP on "Concurrent Convention on Case Study Methodology” in K C College.
- Attended FDP on, "Business Simulation” by Prof. Boman Moradian.
Papers Presented
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Prof. Shrinivas RepakReducing occurrence of transformer failure from 0.75% to 0.35% using tools of lean six sigma in 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi- Measuring the Effectiveness of Disruptive Technologies over Supply Chain Management of Indian Business Firms at IIM Kozhikode in XXII International conference of the Society of the Operations Management (SOM 2018).
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde, Dr. Mukul Burghate- An exploratory research to study the scope of CNC coupled power loom in textile industry in Mumbai region – An IT integrated approach.
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi- Strategic Relevance in Integration of Managed Document Solutions (MDS) and Office Automation in India – A Descriptive Analysis.
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde, Dr. Mukul Burghate- An analytical study of the value added services provided by the mobile service operators in India: A revolutionary approach towards the time based competition and competitive advantage. Got the award of best research paper.
Articles and Journal Papers Published
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Prof. Mukul Burghate, Prof. Kartik Uttarwar, "An empirical study of e-commerce companies: challenges and prospects of mobile as media for digital and social marketing in the covid era." inSambodhi journal Vol-44-No.01 (V) : 2021, ISSN : 2249-6661
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Prof. Shrinivas RepakReducing occurrence of transformer failure from 0.75% to 0.35%% using tools of lean six sigma on OSCM Journal.
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. P. N. Mukherjee- Analysis and evaluation of Distribution and Consumption of Vegetables in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies [Listed in ABDC 2013]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. P. N. Mukherjee- Measuring the Effectiveness of 3PL in Contemporary Indian Industry. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies [Listed in ABDC 2013]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde, Dr. Mukul Burghate- An exploratory research to study the scope of CNC coupled power loom in textile industry in Mumbai region – An IT integrated approach. ELK Publisher [Listed in Google Scholar]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde, Dr. Mukul Burghate – "Go green revolution in India” by integration of Managed Document Solutions and Office automation; Social Journal of Management, Prerna [National Refereed Journal ISSN2319-989X]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde, Dr. Mukul Burghate- An analytical study of the value added services provided by the mobile service operators in India: A revolutionary approach towards the time based competition and competitive advantage; A Compendium on Contemporary Business Practices of New Millennium [ISBN 978-81-925114-4-3]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi, Dr. Nitin A. Kubde- Strategic Relevance in Integration of Managed Document Solutions (MDS) and Office Automation in India – A Descriptive Analysis; Abhinav-National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management.[ISSN 2277-1166]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi- VAS provided by mobile services provider: A revolutionary approach. [Samanvay monthly magazine]
- Prof. Mukund Madhav Tripathi: Office Automation – An IT Integrated Approach. [Samanvay monthly magazine]
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