Dr. Jinal Shah
Assistant ProfessorPh.D, MMM (Gold), M.COM, NET - Commerce (2011 & 2013), SET - Commerce (2013), SET – Management (2017), NET– Management (2018)
Teaching Interest:
Principles of Marketing, Service Marketing, Consumer behavior, International Marketing, Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communication.
Research Interest:
Technology adoption, Celebrity Marketing, Cultural Influences in Marketing, Millennials & Gen Z Consumption Behaviour
Teaching Experience: 11 years
- Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights from IIT, Bombay (August-October 2013).
- International Trade – India & Africa from Centre of African Studies, University of Mumbai (August 2014 – April 2015).
- Digital Marketing online certifications – Google Ad words, Analytics, Hootsuite social media marketing in 2018.
- Completed two certificate courses titled "Foundation Program in ICT for Education” & "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process” in Blended Teaching mode from IIT Bombay under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, GoI.
- Completed certificate course in Brand Management from IIT Bombay at the Entrepreneurship Summit of 2019.
- MOOC - Massive Open Online Course
- Introduction to Descriptive Statistics offered by University of California at Berkeley with Distinction marks and
- Poor Economics offered by MIT, USA
- Personal Branding by University of Virginia – Coursera
- Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brands and Behaviour – Coursera
Major Achievements, Honours and Awards:
- Recognised as a Creator Expert for the India Campus Knowledge Programme by LinkedInIndia. Through this programme, LinkedIn aims to help the next generation of professionals to future-proof their careers by learning from the Creator Experts.
- Best Young Teacher Award for the year 2022 by Higher Education Forum (HEF). It is the community of individuals & practitioners of higher education. With more than 4,000 members, HEF is the largest think tank in the space of higher education in India.
- Best Research Paper Award – First Prize in the Doctoral Colloquium organised by University of Mauritius and Emerald Publishing House on 9th-10th March 2022 for the doctoral work titled A study on factors influencing diffusion and adoption of MOOCs among Millennials in Mumbai.
- Best Research Paper Award – First Prize (Cash Prize Rs 4 Lakhs) in the MICA’s 8th International Communication Management Conference organised by Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad on 5th-7th January 2022 for the paper titled Extending UTAUT2 for determining the Post-Adoptive behaviour of Millennials for MOOCs.
- Best Research Proposal Award in the Research Clinic and Doctoral Consortium organised by Fortune Institute of International Business on 7th August for the proposal titled Integrating UTAUT and ISS for determining the MOOC Adoption and Success among Millennials.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Extension and Integration of Information System Success and Customer Journey Model: Need & Significance for MOOC” in 7th Somaiya International Conference on Technology and Information Management organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University on 9th April, 2021.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Analysing Video on Demand Entertainment Consumption through the lens of Generation Z” in an International Marketing Conference on "Marketing in the VUCA World” organized by SIES College of Management Studies on 9th November, 2019.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Millennials and MOOC: From Classroom to Digital Dormitories” in an International Research Conference on "Social Innovations” at ITC Grand Central organized by Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies on 14th March, 2019.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Education in the Digital World” in an International Research Conference on "Higher Education – Issues & Challenges” organized by Higher Education Forum at Patuck Gala College in Mumbai on 1st December, 2018.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Millennials & Media: Analysing through Long Tail Theory” in 13th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference - 2018 on "Marketing to the Global Consumer” organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research on 15th & 16th February, 2018.
- Best Research Paper award for the paper titled "Mystery Shopping: An innovative quality control tool” in an International Management Research Conference on "Creating Global Organizations – Challenges and Strategies for Emerging Market Companies” organized by Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies on 23rd and 24th January, 2015.
- Received Third prize in ‘Dharam S. Hinduja All India essay writing competition for Lecturers’ (2013-14). The topic of essay was "Is Governance responsible for slowdown of India’s Economy”. The essay has been published in their annual magazine Hinduja Horizons 2013-14.
Research Grant
- Secured a Research Grant of Rs 35000/- in the academic year 18-19 from University of Mumbai for Minor Research Proposal on "A study of Influence of Culture on buying behaviour of Indian Consumers for Herbal and Ayurvedic FMCG Products.”
- Published an article titled Determining the Post-Adoptive Intention of Millennials for MOOCs: an Information Systems Perspectivein the journal of Information Discovery and Delivery in July 2023. (ABDC – C Category, Scopus Q2 and UGC Care Indexed). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-11-2022-0109
- Published an article titled Place Branding: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agendain Journal of Travel Research in April 2023. (ABDC – A* Category, ABS 4, Scopus Q1 and UGC Care Indexed). DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00472875231168620
- Published an article titled What determines MOOC Success? Validation of MOOC Satisfaction Continuance Modelin the journal titled Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives in September 2022. (ABDC – C Category, Scopus Q3 and UGC Care Indexed). DOI: 1177/09722629221131386
- Published an article titled Extending Information System Success Model with Customer Experience: A MOOC System Evaluationin the journal titled Business Perspectives & Research in March 2022. (ABDC – C Category, Scopus Q3 and UGC Care Indexed). DOI: 10.1177/22785337221092836
- Published an article titled Technology Adoption and Continuance of MOOCs: A Systematic Literature Review, Synthesis and Future Research Agendain the journal titled Journal of Content, Community and Communication, Volume 14 (106-132) in December 2021. (Scopus Q3 and UGC Care Indexed). DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.12.21/10
- Authored following books for Courses affiliated to University of Mumbai
- Consumer Behaviourfor TYBMM Semester V
- Brand Managementfor TYBMS Semester VI
- E-Commerce & Digital Marketingfor TYBMS Semester V
- Content developer and special mention for 2 cases in the 15thedition of Marketing Management book by Philip Kotler & Kevin Keller, Pearson publishing hous
- Content developer and special mention for 5thedition of Strategic Brand Management book by Kevin Keller, Ambi Parameswaran and Isaac Jacob, Pearson.
Contributing Author for The Strategy Story
- Amul Panchamrit: Devotional revolution in the making - https://thestrategystory.com/2020/10/05/amuls-panchamrit-devotional-revolution-in-the-making/
- Mantras for Brand Management - https://thestrategystory.com/2020/10/27/top-brand-mantras-and-principles-of-brand-management/
- Jio’s Offensive Marketing Warfare - https://thestrategystory.com/2020/12/24/jio-offensive-marketing-warfare/
- Myntra – A victim of Unintentional Subliminal Branding -https://thestrategystory.com/2021/01/31/myntra-a-victim-of-unintentional-subliminal-branding/
- Ikea ThisAble Campaign - https://thestrategystory.com/2021/05/13/ikea-thisables-campaign/
Subject Expert/Session Chair
- Invited as a subject expert for selection of Assistant Professor at NKES College, Wadala.
- Invited as a moderator and evaluator for conducting the GD-PI session for the selection of Post Graduate students at Indian School of Management & Entrepreneurship.
- Invited as Judge for Avishkaar Research Competition organised by SNDT University for evaluating Research Projects of UG-PG students and Faculty of Commerce & Management.
- Invited as Judge for Tantravihar Research Competition organised by Vidyalankar Institute of Technology for evaluating Research Projects of UG students.
- Session Chair for Fourth National Level Conference on "Global Issues and Opportunities in Commerce and Management” on 18th January, 2019 organised by Chetana’s H.S.College of Commerce & Economics, Smt. Kusumtai Chaudhari of Arts, Bandra.
- Session Chair for International E-Conference on Advances in Business & Management on 22nd January 2022 organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College in collaboration with Delhi School of Economics both affiliated with Delhi University and University of Beira, Portugal
- Invited as a subject expert for selection of Assistant Professor at R D National College, Bandra.
- Invited as Jury for the event Agency Wars in November 2022 organised by Inkspell Media in collaboration with the Global Trends Forum and co-powered by NMIMS University - School of Branding and Advertising for the exclusive in-person edition of the Ad World Showdown 2022– The Ultimate Battle of Branding & Advertising.
- Invited as Session Chair for 2ndDoctoral Research Conclave "SAMAVESH on the theme "Leveraging Research Practices” organised by Amit Business School, Mumbai.
Board of Studies Appointment
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at KPB Hinduja College of Commerce for three years from April 2023.
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at Patkar Varde College for three years from April 2023.
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at Chetanas Hazarimal Somani College of Commerce & Economics for three years from September 2022.
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at Kirti M. Dongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce for three years from August 2022.
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College for three years from July 2021.
- Appointed as Board of Studies member at Rayat Shikshan Sansthan Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College from October 2019.
Guest Session
Conducted guest session on the topic of Personal Branding on LinkedIn at IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, IIM Vishakhapatnam, IIM Rohtak, MICA, JBIMS, Africa Business School, Morocco, NMIMS Central Training, NMIMS Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Shirpur, Dhule, etc.
Attended several workshops on research methodology at IIT Bombay, IIM Kozhikode, NMIMS, NITIE, SIMSR, SIESCOMS, etc.
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