Dr. Hemant Bhanawat
Assistant ProfessorQualification:
- PhD (Commerce), M.Com. (Accountancy & Statistics), MBA (Finance), M.Com. (Gen. Commerce)
- Orcid ID-https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0321-8799
- SCOPUS ID - 57807489800
- Google Scholar- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=u2Ak5m4AAAAJ
Teaching Experience
- Worked as Assistant Professor and PG Program Chairperson in Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University (BIMTECH) Bhubaneswar, India from August 2019 to Oct. 2022.
- Worked as Assistant Professor-II and Coordinator ACCA - ISDC and Program Chair B.Com(H), Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan , Jaipur , India from October 2022 to June 2023.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Dept. of Commerce, Akal College of Economics, Commerce & Management, Eternal University, Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh India from August 2018 to July 2019.
- Worked as Teaching Consultant in Dept. of ABST at University College of Commerce & Management Studies, Mohanlal Sukhadia University Udaipur from July 2017 to May 2018.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Commerce at AIM&IT, Aishwarya College of Education Sansthan, Udaipur from September 2015 to March 2017.
Industrial Experience- 04 years
1. Worked as a Branch Manager at SN Securities (Equity, Derivative & Commodities Broking firm, and a Sub- Broker of Angel Broking Ltd.) from July 2009 to August 2013.
Book Chapters
- Bhanawat H, Tiwari R and Mehrotra R (2023) Bio-Medical Waste Administration during COVID-19 in Smart Cities in India: Analysis and Future Prospects. Smart Technology for a Smart City & Industry 4.0 (T&F book series). * SCOPUS & WoS
- Bhanawat H and Khang A (2023) Theoretical Analysis of Shadow Banking and Its Impact on Systemic Risk. Data-driven Modelling and Predictive Analytics in Business and Finance (T&F book series). https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032618845 HBK: 9781032600628 * SCOPUS and WoS
- Bhanawat H and Khang A (2023) An Examination of Data Protection and Cyber Frauds in the Financial Sector through Introspective Research. Data-driven Modelling and Predictive Analytics in Business and Finance (T&F book series). https://doi.org/10.1201/9781032618845 HBK: 9781032600628 * SCOPUS and WoS
- Bhanawat H, Bharti H and Srivastava A (2023) Diversification of Agriculture and Impact of Industrial Applications on Farmers’ Income. Futuristic Technology Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation: (IGI Global). https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684- 5871-6 ISBN: 9781668458716 * SCOPUS
- Bhanawat H (2022) A Descriptive Study on the Assessment of Flows by Foreign Institutional Investment. Dynamics of International Finance: (Nova Science Publishers). https://doi.org/10.52305/ERPO8430 ISBN: 979-8-88697-011-1 *to be indexed in SCOPUS
- Kaur P, Sankar B.P., Bhanawat H* (2022) Impact Of COVID 19 on Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments With Special Reference To Service Sector In India. Dynamics of International Finance: (Nova Science Publishers). *corresponding author https://doi.org/10.52305/ERPO8430 ISBN: 979-8-88697-011-1 *to be indexed in SCOPUS
- Bhanawat H and Sanwariya S (2020) A Study on Livelihood Status of Fishermen in Himachal Pradesh. Water Crisis and Sustainable Management. 74-87. [ISBN: 978-93-84524-43-2] Shivam Book House.
- Sanwariya S and Bhanawat H (2018) GST-Input Credit and Set off Structure: With Special Reference to Industries in Southern Rajasthan. Sustainable Economic Development: 205-210. [ISBN: 978-81-7906-730-7] Himanshu Publications.
- Sanwariya S and Bhanawat H (2017) Ecological Impact Analysis: An Investigation of ACC Cement Plant. Urbanization and Environment: Issues & Challenges: 64-66.[ISBN: 978-81- 7906- 634-8] Himanshu Publications.
Patents/Utility Models – International and National
- "Block chain-Based System of Secure Transaction Protocol for Efficient Financial Auditing of Large Organizations” – Germany Patent no. 2020241005147 registered and granted on 21st March 2024. https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/pat/register?AKZ=2020241005147
- "A System and Method for Automatically Managing the Industrial Process and Workers Management” – Philippines Patent no. 2-2022-050144 registered on 28th February 2023. https://onlineservices.ipophil.gov.ph/wopublish-search/public/patents?4&query=*:*
- "System and Method for Monitoring Post COVID Patient using Machine Learning and Block Chain” – Australian Patent no. 2021103601 granted on 04th August 2021. http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/auspat/applicationDetails.do?applicationNo=2021103601
- Published an Indian patent vide application no. 202111034816 on "A System and Method for Automatic Sentiment Analysis and Query/Complaint Resolution on Various Aspects Based on Deep Learning Models” on 03rd August 2021. https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PatentSearch/PatentSearch/ViewApplicationStatus
- Published an Indian patent vide application no. 202111035179 on "Account and Financial Management Technology” on 04th August 2021. https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/PatentSearch/PatentSearch/ViewApplicationStatus
Publications in Journals/Conference Proceedings
- Bhanawat H (2024) Inter-Relationship between Stock Market and Commodities Returns: An Empirical Analysis. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting[Print ISSN: 1751-6447 Online ISSN: 1751-6455; ABDC-C, SCOPUS and ESCI] accepted
- Sankar B.P. and Bhanawat H* (2023) Fraud Detection in Financial Statement: A Study Using Beneish Algorithm. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting [Print ISSN: 1753-6715 Online ISSN: 1753-6723; ABDC-B, SCOPUS and ESCI] *corresponding author accepted and available online in forthcoming issue. DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2024.10057527
- Tiwari R, Mehrotra R, Bhanawat H, Khichi T, Kaur G and Khemchand (2023) Role of MSMEs in Indian Economy: A Bibliometric Analysis. Springer Conference Proceedings.[ISSN: 1551-7616; SCOPUS] accepted
- Kaur G, Mehrotra R, Dahiya S, Tiwari R and Bhanawat H (2023) Cyber Security Threats in Domain Name Disputes: Cybersquatting & Its Regulation. IEEE Conference Proceedings.[ISSN: 1551-7616; SCOPUS] accepted
- Kaur P, Sankar B.P., Bhanawat H (2023) Effects of Covid-19 Lockdown: A Perception Survey. Smart Innovation , Systems and Technologies (SIST). (290)2023: 529-538. [ISSN: 2190- 3026; SCOPUS]
- Lavanya S, Sankar B.P., Bhanawat H* (2021) Covid-19 Pandemic Toll on Service Sector in India. Empirical Economic Letters (EEL).20(SP02) [ISSN: 1681-8997; ABDC–C, WoS] http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-20-number-october-2-special-issue.htm *corresponding author
- Mahajan M and Bhanawat H, Sankar B.P. and Sharma J K (2021) Competencies and Organizational culture: An impact analysis to determine Managerial Effectiveness. International Journal of Business Excellence. XX(XX): pgxx-pgxx. [ISSN: 1756-0055; SCOPUS] https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbex#104828DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.1004447 in press
- Bhanawat H, Khichi T and Bharti H (2021) Relationship between Dividend Payout and Market Price of Share (A case study of Nestle India and Britannia Industries Ltd.). Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. August 2021: 260-269. [ISSN: 2319-4979; WoS] https://www.viirj.org/specialissues/SP12/Contents.pdf
- Bhanawat H, Kumari G and Sankar B.P. (2021) The Satisfaction Level of Employees towards the Prevailing Performance Appraisal System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. 12(11): 1508-1514. https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/6073/5062[ISSN: 1309-4653; SCOPUS]
- Bhanawat H, Sankar B.P. and Pandey G (2020) Diversification of Agriculture and Impact on Farmers’ Income. Business Interventions for Effective Management of Technology and Innovation. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Sirmaur India [Wiley]
- Kaur P, Sankar B.P., Bhanawat H (2020) Foreign Institutional Investor and Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from India. Test Engineering and Management.82:9574- 9585.http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/2361 [ISSN: 0193-4120; SCOPUS]
- Pandey G, Khanna S, Bhanawat H and Pandey KM (2019) Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries, Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(12):4166-4171.https://www.ijitee.org/wp- content/uploads/papers/v8i12/L36591081219.pdf [ISSN: 2278–3075; SCOPUS] DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3659.1081219
- Khanna S, Pandey G, Bhanawat H, and Pandey KM (2019) Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering.8 (4):311-316.https://www.ijrte.org/download/volume-8-issue-4/[ISSN:2278–3878; SCOPUS]
- Mahajan M and Bhanawat H (2019) How the awareness about health and nutrition effect the working behavior and performance of university teachers in India?. In 3rd Global Conference on Business Management and Economics Las Vegas, USA, pp 2 [ISBN: 978-1-9990057-2-6]
- Mahajan M, Sharma JK, Bhanawat H, and Saini N (2019) How the Diversity in the Workforce Adds Moral Values among the Employees in an Organization?. In 2nd Global Conference on Business Management and Economics (GCBME 2019) University of British Columbia, Canada, pp 1 [ISBN: 978-1-9990057-0-2]
- Bhanawat H (2017) Administration of Working Capital in Cement Industries. International Journal of Research Culture Society. 1(7):43-47.[ISSN: 2456-6683;UGC]
- Bhanawat H (2017) Financial Performance of Indian Cement Industry: Study of Selected Units.International Journal of Research Culture Society. 1(7):112-116.[ISSN: 2456-6683; UGC]
- Bhanawat H (2016) Outcome of Receivables Management on Working Capital & Profitability: A Case Study of Selected Cement Companies. International Journal of Marketing Financial Services &Management Research. 5(9):01-10.[ISSN: 2277-3622]
- Bhanawat H (2016) Principles of Working Capital in Cement Industry: A Study of ACC Ltd. International Journal of Marketing Financial Services & Management Research.21-30.[ISSN: 2277-6788]
- Bhanawat H ( 2015) Financial Performance of Indian Cement Industry. Aishwarya Research Review.5.[ISSN: 2249-2097]
Paper Presentation/Published in Conferences/Seminars
- Mitra and Bhanawat H (2023) Comparative Study of the Behavioral Bias among Indian and Saudi Investors. In International Conference on Management Research & Cases 2023. Sir Padampat Singhania University (SPSU), Udaipur India
- Sharma A and Bhanawat H (2021) Effect of Covid-19 on Stock Market: Evidence from India. In International Conference on Post COVID Management Strategies: Recovery, Resilience, and Adaptation. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bodh Gaya India
- Bhanawat H, Sankar B.P. and Pandey G (2020) Diversification of Agriculture and Impact on Farmers’ Income. In International Conference on Business Interventions for Effective Management of Technology and Innovation. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Sirmaur India
- Sankar B.P. Bhanawat H and Dash A.K. (2020) Mega-Merger Announcement in Banking Sector: An Analysis of Short-Term Performance. In International Conference on Global Trends in Business Practices and Management Education. Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
- Bhanawat H (2020) Diversification of Agriculture and Impact on Farmers’ Income: A Study of Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project, JICA-ODA. In National Seminar on Economic Development-Rationality vs Populism. Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
- Bhanawat H (2019) Effect of Frauds on the Banking Industry in India. In National Seminar on Indian Financial System: Strategic Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
- Sanwariya S and Bhanawat H (2018) Environmental Accounting in India. In71st All India Commerce Conference of ICA on Innovations, Entrepreneurship &Sustainable Development. Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Bhanawat H (2015) Financial Performance of Indian Cement Industry: Study of Selected Units. In National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Industry, Education, and Modern Society (ETIEMS-2015). Aishwarya College, Udaipur
- Bhanawat H (2012) Ratio Analysis of Indian Cement Industries. In International Conference on Contemporary Innovative Practices in Management. Pacific Academy of Higher Education &Research University, Udaipur
- Bhanawat H (2011) An Analysis of Indian Cement Industry. International Conference on Global Financial Crisis. Bhupal Nobles` P.G. College, Udaipur
FDP/Workshop/Seminar – Organized & Attended
- Organized a One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Strategic Business Reporting” in association with International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) from 20th to 25th February, 2023 at Amity Business School, Amity University, Jaipur.
- Organized a One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Methodology for Advanced Research and Quality Publication” from 21st to 25th March, 2022 at Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar.
- Organized a Faculty Development Programme on "Advance Research Methodology for Decision-Making” on 15th and 16th December, 2020 at Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University.
- Participated in ICSI Teacher’s Conference on "Empowering Educators” organized by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) (September 11, 2021).
- Organized a Webinar in collaboration with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) on the topic "Good Governance and Transparency: The key to Corporate Sustainability” as Coordinator on (November 16th, 2020).
- Participated in Online 1 Week FDP on "Recent Trends in Research and Applied Statistics” organized by Sunrise University, Alwar (June 13-19, 2020).
- Participated in National Level Online Skill Development Workshop on "Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS" organized by Central University of Himachal Pradesh and SHoDH (May 28-31, 2020).
- Participated in National Level 5 days virtual FDP on "R Programming” organized by IMS Noida in association with IIT-Bombay on (May 25-29,2020).
- Participated in Online FDP on "Learning, Pedagogy and Effective use of Case Methodology” organized by ASM ASMA on (May 17-22, 2020).
- Participated in 7 days National online workshop on "Dynamics of Research in Social Sciences” organized SHODH in Collaboration with Himachal Pradesh Technical University,(May 15- 21,2020).
- Participated in an Online workshop on Basics of Econometrics organized at Aligarh Muslim University (May 13-14, 2020).
- Participated in ICSSR sponsored seminar on Agriculture Diversification and Vulnerability of Climate Change for Sustainable Food Security and Livelihood in North-Western Himalayas. Organized by Eternal University and HPCDP-JICA-ODA Project, Hamirpur on (March 25th- 26th, 2019).
- Attended HR Summit 2018 & CSO Forum organized by MHRM Dept. UCCMS, Mohanlal Sukhadia University on (February 09th - 10th,2018).
- Attended 40th All India Accounting Conference & International Seminar on Accounting Education & Research organized by UCCMS, Mohanlal Sukhadia University on (November 18th- 19th, 2017).
- Attended 02 weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by EDC, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (from November 06th-18th, 2017).
- Attended 02 weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by Aishwarya College of Education Sansthan, affiliated with Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
- Attended 07 days’ workshop on "Research Methods & Techniques” organized by Mohanlal Sukhadia University jointly with PAHER University, TIES & REA (June 11th - 17th, 2017).
- Attended 02 weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by EDC, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (from 20th November 2016 to 03rd December 2016).
- Participated in a Seminar on "Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance” at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
Lectures Delivered
- Invited as Expert in 15 days Executive Development Programme of the ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter held from. on "Securities Law & Capital Market - Listing of Securities in India – case studies & Price sensitive information and Insider trading – case laws” organized by Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Bhubaneswar (July 08th - 24th, 2021).
- Invited as Expert in 15 days Executive Development Programme of the ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter held from. on "Securities Law & Capital Market” organized by Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Bhubaneswar (March 27th – April, 11th, 2021).
- Invited as Panelist in 02-day Faculty Development Programme on "Reorienting Teaching- Learning for Higher Education 5.0” organized by Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar (August 13th - 14th, 2021).
Delivered lectures on various topics in different Universities and Professional Institutes including the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
- Registered as Research Supervisor to supervise PhD theses in the area of Finance and Accounting at Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar India.
- Delivered Expert lectures on various topics in different Universities and Professional Institutes including The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
- Member, Board of Studies (BoS), Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar India.
- Appointed as Reviewer for Peer Review of Research Papers - Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Journal ISSN: 1387-2834 (Springer ABDC C).
- Appointed as Editor - International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Risk Management.
- Appointed as Editor - IME Journal pISSN: 0974-0716(BPAS Publications).
- Appointed as Reviewer/Subject Expert for Peer Review of Research Papers - IME Journal pISSN: 0974-0716(BPAS Publications).
- Life member of Indian Commerce Association (ICA life Membership no.HP045).
- Life member of Old Boy`s Association, Vidya Pracharini Sabha, Bhupal Nobles’ University,India.
Academic and Administration Duties
- Appointed as NAAC Coordinator at Birla School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar India. (June,2021 to Oct. 2022)
- Introduced a certification course "Financial Planning and Investment Management” as Coordinator at Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinator of Memorandum of Association (MoU) between Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and Birla Global University on 30th September 2020.
- Appointed as an Evaluator for External Examination Paper Correction by various State Universities in India.
- Appointed as Observer for conducting National Accounting Talent Search (NATS) Exam of Indian Accounting Association (IAA) at Eternal University, Baru Sahib (H.P.).
- Appointed as Member of Accounts and Technical Session Committee for organizing ICSSR sponsored seminar on Agriculture Diversification and Vulnerability of Climate Change for Sustainable Food Security and Livelihood in North-Western Himalayas.
- Assisted in organizing 40th All India Accounting Conference & International Seminar on Accounting Education & Research organized by UCCMS, Mohanlal Sukhadia University.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Done "Certified Industrial Accountant +” course from The Institute of Computer Accountants, Kolkata.
- Passed NISM-Series-VIII-: Equity Derivative Certification Examination from Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
- Passed NISM-Series-V-A-: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Examination from Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
- Passed BCFM Certification on Securities Market Examination from Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
- Passed RS-CIT Examination in 2013 conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota Rajasthan.
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