Dr. Ankita Bhardwaj
Assistant ProfessorQualification: B. Com (Hons), M. Com(Hons), UGC-NET(JRF-SRF), Ph.D (Marketing)
Specialization: Marketing
Area of Interest: Consumer Behaviour, Branding, Brand Management, Service Marketing, Strategic Management, Retailing, Experiential Marketing
Teaching Experience: Nine years
- Taught in Postgraduate Government College for Girls, as a visiting faculty for one year, teaching subjects like corporate finance, organizational behaviour and principles of management.
- Taught in University Business School, Panjab University , Chandigarh, as a Junior/Senior Research Fellow for five years. Taught a variety of subjects like marketing management, service marketing, microfinance, consumer behaviour, retail management , corporate restructuring, strategic management to M.Com(Hons) ,MBA (General) and MBA(Executive) students.
- Teaching BBA and BCOM (School of Commerce)and BBA (LLB) (School of Law students) at the NMIMS. The subjects taken are Principles of Marketing, Advertising and Media, Retailing, Strategic Management, Brand management.
Paper Publications
- Paper titled "A Study on Consumer Preference Towards Sustainability and Post-Use Consumption of Product Package in Chandigarh” published in IUP Journal of Business Strategy in 2019.
- Paper titled "Examining the effect of eWOM (Electronic word of mouth) on customer purchase intention through value co-creation” published in UGC Care Journal Sambodhi in 2020.
- Paper titled "Drivers of Customer Value Co-Creation in Travel Services Post Covid-19" published in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication in 2021.
- Paper titled "Empirical Validation of Impetus for Co-Creation in Travel Services” published in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management in 2021.
- Paper titled "Customer Value Co-Creation, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention - A case of online travel booking” published in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management in 2021.
Conferences and Paper Presentations
- Presented a paper on "The impact of transformational leadership: A conceptual model.” in the 16th GJ-International Conference MITE2022 themed Challenge of
Changing Patterns in a Borderless World. - Presented a paper on "Influence of perceived ease of use, involvement, interaction and active participation on Customer Value Co-Creation in Travel Services Post Covid-19” in the international conference on management practices post Covid-19 held in 2021.
- Presented a paper on "Customer Roles in Value Co-Creation” at the University Institute of Applied Management Studies at PU in the International Conference on India's Global Ascendancy: Confluence of Innovation and Sustainability in Business and Society held on January 23, 2020.
- Presented a paper on "A study of usage level and purpose of social media platforms among FMCG users” at the University Institute of Applied Management Studies at PU in The International Conference on India's Global Ascendancy: Confluence of Innovation and Sustainability in Business and Society held on January 23, 2020.
- Participated in a three-day national conference (online) on financial implications of Covid-19 on India with a special reference to Punjab from June 3, 2020.
- Presented a paper on "Examining consumer preference towards sustainability and post-use consumption of product package in Chandigarh” at the International Conference in conjunction with Nottingham Trent University and Western Sydney University on Global Issues in Management held on February 26, 2019.
- Presented a paper on "A study on the impact of political brand trust on voting intention among the voters in Chandigarh” at Lovely Professional University in the International Conference: Volatile Consumer Behaviour and Marketing held on April 19, 2019.
- Participated in the programme on "GST & it impacts on Indian Economy” organised by University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, jointly with ICA EDU Skills Pvt Ltd., on January 21, 2017
- Attended a one-day workshop on "Structural Equation Modelling” organised by University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, on March 25, 2017.
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