Neelesh Kumar
Assistant Professor
Specialization (Qualification):
PhD (Pursuing), MBA(Finance) , PGDM (Intl. Business), M.A. (Economics) & B.A. (Economics).
Areas of Specialization:
International Business, Economics & Finance
Interest Areas:
Business Analytics, Corporate Governance, Supply Chain & CRM
Total Experience - 20 years. Full- Time Academics Experience: 17 yrs; Industry: 3 yrs;
(Have worked with 2 MNCs in the area of International business & Trade finance; Worked in MBA & Training & Development departments with 2 Institutions of Higher Learning in North India)
- Case titled- “Sailesh Kumar’s Experiences at Hindustan Profiles Limited.” {“Emerging Markets: Case Studies Collection- publisher -Excel India Publishers bearing ISBN no.978-93-80697-52-9}
Kumar, N. (2020) - Social Business Model & Its Efficacy - A Case Study on Agro-forestry in the Indian context," Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Markets, Pg.196-219.
Kumar, N.(2011)“Bull Whip Effect in SCM – A study of Automobile dealers in Agra.” {Published in 2011.(Allied Publishers) - ISBN No- 978-81-8424-668-1}.
Book titled- "International Financial Management" (ISBN no. 978-81-259-3074-7(2009)- Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Litd; Noida.
Research paper titled-" Cross Cultural Management: Challenges and issues in Indian context,"National Journal (SYNERGY- ITS journal of IT & Management)Vol.8, No.2, July 2010.
Research Paper titled- " Networking & technology Transfer in Indian Ceramic tile Industry: Its role in Sectoral competitiveness," National Journal (SYNERGY- ITS journal of IT & Management)Vol.8, No.2, July 2010. 6. Book tilted- International Business Environment & Management (ISBN No. 978-81-259-3721-0) - Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited, Noida.
Publications and Research papers presented:
Research paper titled- “Teaching –Learning process: Parameters of Success,” presented at - Edu-excellence conference on Higher education, organized by IIT, Delhi.
Bull Whip Effect in SCM – A study of Automobile dealers in Agra, presented at- Management Science & Practice(MSP) 2008 , organized by IIM, Ahmedabad.
“Impact of Business recession on Indian exporters –A comparative study of some of Indian industries,” organized by Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies. AIMS International Conference, organized by ICFAI Hyderabad.
AIMS International Conference organized by IIM, Bangalore.
International Conference on Sustainability & Management Strategy (ICSMS 2018) at IMT Nagpur. 6. Innovations in Management Practices , organized by Gurukul Kangri University, Hardiwar.
Conferences / Workshops / Seminars attended/ Certifications:
Numerous Conferences, Workshops & Seminars attended at national & International level.
Academic activities:
Worked as Visiting Faculty with ICFAI Business School & Wigan & Leigh College, UK
Won K.P. Jain Award(2013) for presentation of research paper titled- "Corporate Governance Practices and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Non-Anglo American Model for Energy Sector," at Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies (Sharda Group of Institutions).
Management Development Programs:
Co-ordinated & Conducted MDPs in different areas of Management & Soft Skills training with some of the renowned & big names in the industry like JK Tyres Pvt. Ltd, Bhushan Steel India Ltd, Monnet Steel , India Steel Summit Private Limited(Sumitomo Corporation), Lanco Power Systems Private Limited ; to name a few( For Middle Management, Junior & Supervisory level employees)
Professional Memberships:
Life member- National HRD network; certified internal auditor (BVQI Netherlands) for ISO 9001:2000.
Editorial Board Membership:
Reviewer for Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Emerging Economies (SAGE Publications, United Kingdom) in 2022.
Official Email Id:
Office Phone No:
(022) 42355732
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